is been a long time since the last wrote yahhh
beyond doubt,
i am a super duper lazy to update my blog =)
actually i have alot to write about
new year -,-" mother day, hang out wif frens n lot lot lot
but duno where to start, whn will be start x)
suppose go thailand shopping !!
but due to the political unrest... red shirts...
the centre world..
walao kena burn dyy, ntg left! -,-"
omg my shopping trip T.T
chng the flight, chng the hotel
the hotel is just right beside the central world -,-
and plan to go Hokaido,join SG travel company,
mummy paid deposit..
eventually, they chnged the date!
chng to 1 june, ya lah SG's child start to holiday la,
but MALAYSIA 's children DO NOT!
so refund~ cancel~
after tat plan to go 3rd time Korea, hahahs tat was wat i suggested!
8june set up..
kk whn the time going to pay deposit...
Court's letter received....
8june blablablabla
k cancel -,-"
stay at home thn my mummy said..
so suayyy, everytime the things are nt going smoothly!
erm herm
so i am staying at home now..
where is my offer letter btw!